Big Jobs to Consider Before Selling Your House

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Everyone knows that in order to get the maximum value when selling your home that it’s important you repair everything and give it a good clean. However, while repainting the small bedroom to get rid of its black walls will make it easier to sell, does it really add much more to your property’s price tag?

It’s definitely worth doing all those small jobs like clearing the garden and wiping down skirting boards. To make sure you don’t lose out on a significant amount when your house goes on the market though, there are a few big tasks worth considering too.

The Exterior

In the same way that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but most people still do, with houses a lot of potential buyers will decide whether they’re interested or not from looks alone. The exterior is the first thing they’ll see, so this needs to be in top condition. Whether it’s simply cutting the grass and any shrubs surrounding the path up to the doorway, or completely redoing the rendering, it can be a big job. In some severe cases, you may even need to dig up the entire garden with the help of some specialist equipment. This should add real kerb appeal to the property though.

Rip Up the Flooring

Wood floors are a popular choice these days, as they’re fairly easy to keep clean and still look fantastic. Hardwood flooring is what many buyers desire, so it may make sense to rip up your old carpets (especially in the living, dining rooms and hallway) to accommodate this. It’s no quick task but is likely to appeal to more buyers than carpets. If they really want a carpet it will be a lot easier to put in later than replacing an existing carpet with tiles, for examples.

Update Your Kitchen

The kitchen is arguably the most important room in any house, as in a lot of cases it will be the first room potential buyers enter. It is the most valuable room per square foot and can make a real difference when buyers are unsure. If your kitchen is pretty old and looking a bit worse for wear, it’s definitely ripping it all out and starting pretty much from scratch. Upgrading everything from the tiles to white appliances should add a lot of value, hopefully, more than it costs you to make the updates. Depending on the size of your kitchen this task will vary in price and time.

Roofing Repairs

New homebuyers may not take the roof into account, as it’s not often something you can examine from outside easily. However, those in the know will definitely ask about it or try and get a good look as they won’t want to buy a leaky house that needs some expensive repairs. Consider repairing the roof if it needs it or looks outdated, though you may need to enlist professional help for what can be a dangerous job for amateurs.

Once you’ve made all these big improvements to your home if they’re necessary, it should be ready to go on the market and sell for a great price.  

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