Old and New Architecture Collide

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It has been said that barely anything new exists under the sun these days. Originality is merely a Utopian dream; one that many strive for, but only ever achieve out of ignorance of it having previously existed.


But what can be established are the traditions of history, merged into something with a twist; mixing the old with the new, to remind us, yes our society is changing, but that it does not leave behind the art and beauty that the past has taught us.


Pick any street in any city, and form polished skyscrapers and clean cut shop front windows, you can turn a corner and feel as if you just walked into a re-enactment of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist.  


Post-modernism teaches a concept called ‘Bricolage’. It is the idea that something new can be created out of an amalgamation of old things. Cities are bricolages of old and inspirational architecture, that whose meaning combined allow the designs that we are so familiar with today.


It is mixing the 21st century with the nostalgia and romance of inventions that came before.


And while you may find in any city, examples of old and new (perhaps renovated) buildings melted into one another to form our high streets and residential areas; I believe none do it quite as elegantly as the city of Norwich.  


It held a photographer competition around Norwich to capture and record its historic architecture.


Situated in Norfolk, a part of East Anglia, Norwich is renowned for its culture, art and aesthetics. It is a popular tourist destination: http://www.visitnorwich.co.uk/


Many who live there will describe it as their own personal bubble, quite aside from the rest of the world, it is a place that time has not forgotten, but instead runs on its own clock.


It was voted by The Express as one of the best places to raise children.


The city centre is an eclectic mix of Marks and Spencer buildings paralleled with grand churches. In the centre, the Norwich lanes provide quaint hidden gems of shops in old building, cottages, and the Strangers Hall that sits on St. Benedicts Street, now a busy high street with a Pizza Express and coffee houses just down the road.


Norwich University of the Arts sits just down from the well-known Norwich Playhouse, off the canal divided between two very old buildings that now house some of the promising young illustrators, photographers and fine artists of our future.  

image source: http://www.rgcarter-construction.co.uk/case-studies/norwich-university-college-arts-east-garth-building/
Lauren Knight

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