5 ways to upgrade your garage

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 Having a garage on your property offers a wide range of possibilities. Some people use their garage to park their car securely. In contrast, others use it as a workshop, a utility room, or even additional living space with adequate heating and insulation. Unfortunately, garages often turn into a dumping ground for the belongings that we do not need regular access to, and it is all too easy to let them become messy and overcrowded. Whether you plan to sell your home or have just moved into a new property, here are five ways to upgrade your garage. 

Install a new floor

It is natural for a garage floor to become dusty and damaged, primarily if you use the space as a workshop or store lots of equipment or boxes there. A simple but effective way to improve the look and functionality is to replace the garage floor or apply paint. Epoxy paint (or latex acrylic paint if you prefer a cheaper option) will boost the floor’s appearance while protecting it against chips and scratches. You will need to clean and sand the floor before painting to achieve the best results. 

When adding your new flooring, make sure to go with a durable type. It’sIt’s best to avoid any wooden flooring or tiles, as these can easily be scratched up or cracked by heavy objects. You also want to ensure that you have a floor that is easy to clean, as things like spills and external mess are likely to form in a garage.

Replace the door

The door to your garage is often one of the first things that people see when they approach a property, and that means it can have a significant impact on a property’s curb appeal. If appearance is your main concern, you could repaint the door’s exterior, but replacing it with new roller garage doors could significantly improve security and insulation levels. You should choose a door that is in keeping with the rest of your home’s exterior if possible. 

Paint the interior walls

Painting the walls in a light shade and the floor will help brighten the space and make the room feel more liveable. A neutral colour like a shade of cream, grey, or blue will offer a neutral palette while disguising dirt for longer than pure white walls would. In terms of the type of paint, you should use, exterior wall paint is a good choice as it is more durable and will offer more protection against mould. 

It’sIt’s best to avoid adding things like wallpaper to your interior walls, as these are more likely o get rotten and peel off. A garage is expected to have less insulation than a room in your home and will be more at risk of things such as dampness, especially if you often leave your garage door open. It’sIt’s best to stick to paint and do at least two coats if possible, as this will help protect the wall. 

Add plenty of storage.

You likely use your garage for storage to some degree, and without adequate storage, this can quickly get out of control. Installing shelving, storage units or bringing storage boxes in are great solutions. It is also essential to organise your storage as much as possible with labels, put heavier items at the bottom, and ensure the things you need more often are easily accessed. 

Adding storage can be tricky if your garage isn’t massive, and because of this, they can start to feel cluttered pretty quickly. The best way to make extra storage practical is to use the verticality of your garage. By getting shelves that go right up to the ceiling, you’ll be able to store a lot more extra stuff. You can also install one of those mounted ladders with wheels found in large libraries to allow you easy access to these items towards the top. 

Bring in some personal touches.

Finally, while your garage might technically be outside or detached from your home, it can still be part of your family’s life. Place some framed art or photographs on the walls to protect them from becoming spoiled by changing weather. You could also add some furniture to make it comfortable to entertain guests or relax. Click here for some ideas on making your garage a usable space. 

Be sure to store all the equipment you need to get on with your hobbies here. For example, a workbench or a canvas easel will help make the garage a place you want to be. 

ref: THSI-2576 / ZD. 22965

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