A Quick Guide on Pool Pumps

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Running a swimming pool in your own back yard is so mean feat. There are a lot of different things that need to be taken care of and that’s all your responsibility. You need to make sure your pool has an effective cleaning system, that everyone who uses it is kept safe and that it’s installed in a place that’s safe and out of the way of everything else. However, one of the most important things in any swimming pool is the pool pump, which effectively acts as the heart of the swimming pool. Without it, the swimming pool simply wouldn’t be able to function. What actually is it though? What are its benefits, and how do you choose a good one? Read on to find out. 


Checkout reviews of pool pumps @ rexgarden.com.


As I’ve already mentioned, a pool pump effectively acts as the heart of the pool and is essential to all of its functions. In essence, their job is to pump water from the pool through filters, to clean it and then pump it back into the pool. They work continually and never have a break, which does mean the energy they take up is pretty substantial. For this reason they can be very expensive to run, but as I’ve already mentioned they are vital. 


So what are the benefits to a good pool pump? Well to start off with, they’ll ensure your pool is always clean and fit for purpose. You don’t want to be inviting guests over to your home to have a go in your new pool just for it to be dirty and unfit to swim in. While there may be times where you have to clean by hand and get some chemicals into the water to do so, a good pool pump will constantly keep things ticking over and make sure you don’t embarrass yourself. Health is always a primary concern as well, so a pool pump which does its job effectively will make sure everyone who swims in your pool is protected from any potential infections. 


Now, when you’re buying a pool pump there are a few things you need to take into consideration. The first of these is the price, which is always a tricky avenue to navigate. A lot of people jump the gun and think the best thing to do is buy the cheapest pool pump they can find, as they can be very expensive. However, I’d advise against this. Pool pumps can require a lot of maintenance over time, and this isn’t cheap either. If you buy a poor quality pump, it may require a lot more maintenance than others and will end up costing you a lot of money in the future. This isn’t too great, and will put you more out of pocket than if you’d just splashed the cash a little more and the beginning. 

You should also try to find a pool pump that is really energy efficient– we all love doing our bit for the environment! However, keeping your pool clean should always be your primary concern first and foremost.

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