You will have heard of Aloe as it is used in many health, beauty and alternative medicine products. It’s a member of the succulent family of plants which are surprisingly interesting plants with many differences to what we would consider ‘ordinary’ plants. Succulents grow in dry and arid areas where rainfall is low. They store the little water they can find in their leaves, which they then use for later growth.
Succulents are a popular type of plant that many people choose to grow in the home. As Aloe is one such, it can be grown as a hobby and for decoration. The great thing is it’s easy to grow if you follow the right routine, as are all succulents. All you need to do is follow the simple tips we will give you below and read up some more on how to grow and care for aloe and other succulents.
Let’s have a look at Aloe as a plant and succulents as a whole and talk about the things you need to do to grow plants of this type at home.
How to Grow Aloe and Succulents?
As we said above, succulents grow in places where there is little rainfall. These plants have adapted to the environment in a clever way, and if you want more detail you can read more about it in that informative article. They are sometimes found in desert areas, and in places where there is little greenery, and for the best growth in the home, you need to try your best to replicate the growing environment if you want to grow Aloe.
The starting point for growing Aloe and any succulents is to ensure you have the right soil. Remember that these are plants that take in any water that is in the soil and store it. If the soil is too wet, it will rot the roots. This is why you must not use peaty soil or other types that hold water for growing Aloe. Instead, ensure you have soil that is mixed with plentiful gravel to allow for draining. If you have the right pots make sure there are drain holes in the bottom to allow any surplus water to drain away.
Water Aloe only when the soil is completely bone dry. At this point, you can be sure that the plant has absorbed all the previous water and is in the process of using it. Once you get into the watering routine, you’ll find the point where you know the plant has taken in the water and is ready for more. You can use a moisture meter for the accuracy or simply feel the soil by hand.
Heat, Light and Cold for Aloe
To keep an Aloe plant growing well at home you need to make sure it gets plenty of light but limited direct sunlight. Succulents do not like the sun on their leaves for lengthy periods of time as by nature it can burn them. You should also keep the plant in a room that is standard living heat and avoid exposing succulents to prolonged cold. They are not plants that are hardy in the cold hence the preference for growing them indoors.
Also is a fascinating plant to grow and if you follow the routines for growing succulents you will soon realise how rewarding it can be to have plants such as this in the home. You can find out more about growing succulents and for many newcomers to these intriguing plants, it soon becomes a hobby, with growers building collections of succulents having begun with a common and simple example such as Aloe.
You can buy Aloe plants cheaply, ready to plant in your prepared pot or planter and enjoy helping them grow. This is the easiest way to get used to growing succulents as you are most likely to be successful with plants already established. Once you have the experience, you may want to look at some of the more obscure and exotic succulents that are grown by those who are established as collectors. We hope this article has helped you learn more about growing aloe in the home, so now you can start preparing for your first plants.