Futuristic Hydro-Home Making Waves

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Although it may look like a bizarre aquatic alien space ship, this futuristic structure is in fact a floating house. The ‘Hydro-electric Tidal House’ will harness the power of the movement of waves to create clean and renewable energy to fulfil the homes electrical needs.

image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2779450/The-home-make-waves-Futuristic-seashell-inspired-concept-reveals-hydroelectric-house-moves-tide.html

This amazing building was designed by London-based designer Margot Krasojevic, who says that the hydro-home is part of her wider project “attempting to harness renewable energy within sustainable design”. Margot is an avid supporter of renewable energy and has previously designed an electric coral reef station and a hydroelectric prison.

image source: http://www.arthitectural.com/margot-krasojevic-electric-coral-reef-station/

image source: http://www.designboom.com/architecture/hydroelectric-waterfall-prison-by-margot-krasojevic/


The hydro-home will be composed of 2 shells, as Margot took inspiration from the sea itself when designing the project. The outer shell will be made of concrete for stability, with solar panels on the exterior to capture energy from the suns rays and convert it into electricity for the home.

image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2779450/The-home-make-waves-Futuristic-seashell-inspired-concept-reveals-hydroelectric-house-moves-tide.html


The inner shell will be made of aluminium and will move in cohesion with the tide to power a turbine that will compress air to create an electrical current. The reason Margot gave for the addition of the turbine is that it provides a more reliable and predictable source of energy than the sun… as anyone living in Britain knows all too well.

image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2779450/The-home-make-waves-Futuristic-seashell-inspired-concept-reveals-hydroelectric-house-moves-tide.html

image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2779450/The-home-make-waves-Futuristic-seashell-inspired-concept-reveals-hydroelectric-house-moves-tide.html


Unfortunately, it is unlikely that any of us will have the pleasure of spending a night in the hydro-home, as these pictures are only a concept design. But who knows, maybe one day we will all be living in floating eco-homes.


Franki Chaffin-Edwards

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