How to Keep Your Home Cool

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A home should be comfortable, and while we all want sunnydays without a cloud in the sky, a home isnt very comfortable when itsresidents are roasting hot. With the recent heatwaves in this country, keepingboth yourself and your house cool is important, so here are some quick and easymethods for making sure your home beats the heat this summer.


For example, a greenhouse is useful for growing plants, butyou dont want to live in one twenty-four hours a day! Therefore, during theday, its worth closing the curtains for some lovely shade. Those preparing inadvance may want to plant a tree outside their home for some extra shade aswell.


At night, its a good idea to open the windows just to letsome the cool night air in; always refreshing after a hot day. A fan is a musttoo; its advised to keepone close to an open window to draw in the cold air from outside. Leavingthe doors inside open also helps the air to circulate throughout the house.


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You want the cool air to come into your house, but you dontwant it going out, so its advisable to insulate your home. Make sure to locate anywhere drafts could come from and close themup. Not only will this help keep it cool in summer, itll also prevent heatescaping the house during winter as well.

Needless to say, electronics are capable of causing a lot ofheat, especially stoves and ovens, so its worth looking for alternative waysof cooking food like a grill. Incandescent bulbs also cause a lot of unwantedheat, so you may want them to be replaced with fluorescent ones.

The most important thing to remember though, is that whileits important to keep the indoors cool, you shouldnt spend too much timeindoors in warm weather. Go out once in a while, get a tan, have a barby.

Find out more about saving money on fees when selling your home here

By Gareth Barsby

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