Moving From Student Accommodation to First Home: 3 Tips

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Are you finding the process of entering into the world of work stressful? Finding a new place to live and moving to a new home is a naturally tricky process, especially if this is your first home. You’ve done the hard part: you’ve completed your studies – conGRADulations! Now for the exciting part – check out the following tips to make the experience as stress-free as possible.

1. Hire Professional Movers

Moving from student accommodation to your first home is exciting, but there are many things to move and do! You might even have things still at your parent’s house that you’re trying to get in your new home. To take all this stress away, consider hiring professional movers. This means that come moving day, you won’t need to lift anything at all; you can avoid heavy lifting and relax as all the boxes are carried for you. 

This is also the ideal way to ensure reliable help on your moving day. Your friend cancelled at the last minute? You can’t get hold of that high school friend who promised to help? You don’t need to depend on anyone other than the removal company, and if you choose a legitimate and recommended company, then this is not an issue. Whether you simply need local movers or if you’re travelling further afield or even internationally, this is the perfect way to take the stress away from the excitement of moving into your first home.

By taking the stress of heavy lifting away from moving day, you can relax and enjoy your new home, job and life!

2. Be Organised

Does your flatmate provide all of your cutlery, towels and sheets? It is time to get your own! One of the best advice is to be organised: start by working out what you need to buy for your new home. 

Once you have all the things you need, a great tip is to label every box with which room it will belong to and keep each box for one purpose. For example, only kitchen utensils/appliances should be in the kitchen box. This will save you so much time when you are looking for items or unpacking. This also keeps things from getting lost or missing long-term.

Finally: write down all the critical dates in your planner as well as any events. It is a good idea to only use one schedule instead of a random mix of a phone calendar, paper agenda, and desk calendar: use one method and stick to it. It’s also a good idea to keep a folder with every document you need. This means everything can be easily found in one place! Moving house is already a very stressful event, so it is crucial to stay organised. Remember – the tricky bit is done. Enjoy setting up the next stage in your life!

3. DeClutter Beforehand

While it’s important to have the items you need, it’s also important to get rid of anything you don’t need. If you were a student who collected traffic cones on a night out – it is time to get rid of them! Organise yourself and your belongings before you put items in their designated boxes. Being surrounded by clutter is detrimental to your mental health and should be avoided. Only take things with you that you want to keep: donate or recycle items you no longer need or want. Your new home must be a relaxing and welcoming space – there is no point filling it with stuff you no longer love.

A clean home is a clean mind – take this energy with you into your new abode and enjoy reminding yourself of the items you still love. 

Get Started On Your New Chapter

As these tips have demonstrated, moving from student life to the working world does not have to be stressful. Simply: hire professional movers, be organised, and declutter beforehand to avoid unnecessary stress. See for yourself by following these three tips – good luck!


Ref number: THSI-2479

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