Don’t sign that closing contract before inspecting your new home! Make sure you’re getting the best deal by getting a pest inspection for a home purchase
Few feelings can really get your adrenaline pumping than when you’re about to close on a house. You can’t wait to move out of your rented home and into a space that you can truly call your own. The excitement mounts, and you just can’t wait to sign the dotted line.
However, if you sign that dotted line without completing all of the due diligence that you should, then you could find yourself kicking yourself for making a hasty decision sometime down the road.
Processes like a pest inspection for home purchase safeguard you from buying a home that has hidden problems that you weren’t able to see during the open house. By adding a contingency period to your home purchase offer that gives you a period of time to complete a thorough inspection, you’ll save yourself the headache of having to deal with a pest or rodent infestation after moving in.
In this article, we’ll present several reasons why you should do a pest inspection before you buy a real estate property.
Know What You’re Getting Into
The primary reason why you should get a pest inspection done before purchase is so that you have a complete picture of what you’re getting into before you sign anything that’s legally binding.
With a pest inspection, you’ll know whether or not the house in question suffers from unwanted visits from cockroaches, rats, or anything else. Just because a house does have an infestation doesn’t mean that you can’t buy it. Instead, it just means that you will need to keep this in mind and prepare yourself for the expense of fixing the issue if you wish to do so.
Negotiate Price
One of the best reasons why a pest inspection is essential to the home buying purchase is that it could help you score a lower price! That’s right.
For instance, let’s say that the ULV fogger used during the inspection reveals an insect infestation. You can use that knowledge as a tool to drive the price down. This one step could easily save you several thousands of dollars in the long-term. This makes the ROI of getting a pest inspection done a no-brainer.
Avoid Home Buying Regret
One of the many issues that ensue after a hasty home purchase is a deep feeling of regret. Buying a home is no simple thing, and if you spend all that time, effort, and money on buying the wrong house that has a pest infestation, you’ll no doubt feel bad about your decision.
Avoid those feelings of regret by getting the inspection done ahead of time.
Why You Need a Pest Inspection for Home Purchase
There you have it — now that you know why you need a pest inspection for home purchase, all that remains is for you to get the right contractor to come and check out the house that you’re thinking of buying.
For more real estate advice, be sure to check out the rest of the articles on the website!