Rental Property Maintenance Tips for Landlords

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If you want to be able to keep tenants happy and attract new tenants to your rental units, then it’s essential that you always stay on top of maintenance. However, either because of ignorance or lack of means, many landlords tend to cut corners and neglect some of their units, which ends up affecting their bottom line in the long run. But maintenance is something you’ll have to deal with regardless, so it’s always better to make it a top priority. Here are some essential rental property maintenance tips every landlord should follow.

Make Sure You Have a Schedule in Place

Creating a clear schedule for routine checks will help you identify issues before they aggravate. You should perform check-ups at least on a monthly basis to make sure everything is ok. Some of the main things you should be looking for are signs of pest infestation, ageing, dangerous or unattractive landscaping and badly maintained walls and floors, for instance.

You can prevent your units from looking dated by performing some routine renovations. You should also make routine plumbing checks and see if there are any signs of leakage or ageing parts. If you see any signs of leakage, try to see if any appliances are at cause.

If your rental units come with amenities, then it’s your responsibility to have them serviced if they show signs of wear and tear. Leaks could eventually end up severely damaging your property, leading to even costlier repairs. If you notice any leaking appliances, it would be wise to contact a service like Service Force appliance repairs immediately so they can inspect it.

Keep Open Lines of Communication with Your Tenants

If you’re going to perform routine check-ups, always make sure that you give your tenants a heads up and don’t show up unannounced. Showing up whenever you want is a sure-fire way to irritate them. You should also let them know that they can always talk to you if there’s something wrong with the property. If you make them feel like they’re a nuisance every time they contact you, they might try to avoid any confrontation, which could lead to hidden issues aggravating without your knowledge.

Make Sure That You Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

This is another issue a lot of landlords end up neglecting but checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors is absolutely essential and something you should do on a regular basis. Not only is it important for the safety of the occupants, but not having working smoke detectors in your units could result in heavy fines, so make sure that they work at all times.

Have a Clear Budget

While you should never be stingy with maintenance, you don’t always have to go all out for every single issue. At some point, you have to set spending limits so that you don’t go overboard with your spending. Having a clear budget will allow you to evaluate if it’s more viable from a financial standpoint to replace or repair.

And repairing isn’t always the best option. If you have an ageing boiler, for instance, making constant repairs can easily end up costing more than replacing the whole unit. So, don’t always rely on quick fixes and try to see the big picture. Having a budget will also allow you to set priorities and set aside renovations that might not be essential for the moment.

These few simple tips should allow you to always keep your units in top shape and maintain a good relationship with your tenants while extending the lifespan of your property.

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