5 Advantages of Multi-Unit Residential Mailboxes

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When updating properties to sell or rent, don’t forget to pay attention to outdoor spaces and curbside appeal. This will be your prospective buyer or tenant’s first glimpse of what’s on offer, so it’s vital to make a good impression from the outset.

One of the easiest and most effective tweaks you can make to a multi-family property is with new mailboxes. Best of all, these offer several benefits for the new occupants. So read on, and let’s examine the top 5 advantages of multi-unit residential mailboxes.

Save Space

Mailbox design may not be the first thing that comes to mind when considering home improvements. And yet, this one area of home improvement offers several benefits. The first and most obvious benefit of installing multi-unit mailboxes is that they will save space.

This is a real boon when outdoor space is minimal. Fewer obstacles outdoors also mean fewer possibilities for accidental damage, as the risk of a car hitting any mailbox is significantly reduced. After all, it is far less likely to hit such a highly visible multiple-unit installation.  

This space-saving feature has another related benefit, too. Saving space means saving time, as well. The entire mail delivery and retrieval process will be streamlined and efficient. The postal service will find delivery a breeze, and residents will appreciate the simplicity of one designated area for their post.

Retrieving the post should never be a stressful or cumbersome experience. And with smart, multi-unit mailboxes, it never will be again. Save space, and increase peace of mind by investing in multi-unit mailboxes.

Increase Security

With all the mailboxes in one area, on one post, residents’ mail stands less risk of going astray. As they are located in one place, and residents continuously go to and fro to collect their mail, the loss of mail is significantly reduced. This security measure is further increased when you select lockable mailboxes.

Mailbox theft is not only a real issue; it is a very frightening one. Many identity theft cases can be traced back to simple oversights like leaving mail in an unlocked mailbox. This may not seem like that great a problem, but if a resident goes away on holiday, their mail may accumulate and put them at risk.

This is because certain types of mail contain sensitive information such as social security numbers, banking details, and other private information. Unscrupulous thieves may obtain personal data and use this to their advantage. But you can stop them in their tracks with lockable, multi-unit mailboxes.

Reduce Costs

Any home improvement that saves money is a good idea, primarily when it benefits both owner and tenant. In the life of a landlord, home maintenance costs are inevitable. There are many ways you can lower costs, though. One of these is to install new, weather-proof, multi-unit mailboxes.

The weather can wreak havoc in certain regions on outdoor fixtures like mailboxes. The materials that mailboxes make can vastly increase or decrease their longevity. This is further complicated by the presence of curious woodland creatures in some areas.

Installing multi-unit residential mailboxes made from weather-proofed materials is the obvious solution. With improved resistance to the elements, and only one mailbox post to maintain, your running costs will be lower. Not to mention the increased tenant satisfaction when their outdoor spaces are so neat and tidy.

Encourage Sociability

This last factor is often overlooked, yet it is just as important. Community life and neighbourliness are becoming increasingly rare in this modern, high-tech world we inhabit. Do your part to foster sociability with multi-unit mailboxes.

Because all the mail must be collected from one place, neighbours are encouraged to chat. This makes a positive impact on their community spirit. But there is another, far more critical reason for doing so. Neighbours who get along and watch out for each other reduce crime.

It is a fact that neighbourhoods, where the community is well-acquainted are more likely to notice and report criminal behaviour. Neighbourhood watch systems rely on this principle. This lowers crime rates, and that is always a positive result.

The safety of residents is further increased, too, as residents will notice if their neighbour is suspiciously absent. And a simple way to get neighbours to start communicating with each other, and caring about the community, is with a social hub. A multi-unit mailbox post is one such social interaction station.

Enhance Aesthetics

Curbside aesthetics play a very big role in the appeal of any property. You may not have a meticulously tended lawn or an artfully paved driveway, but you want to market your property in the best possible light. This is something that, while affordable and straightforward, adds instant value.

The uncluttered look that multi-unit mailboxes provide will significantly impact the properties’ exteriors. Less room taken up by mailboxes means the property’s aesthetics will be enhanced. With a straightforward change, you’ll achieve a high-end look and a minimalistic style.

Don’t worry that it will look too uniform because, like other mailbox styles, these can be customised. It helps to have one overriding theme, such as all the boxes in the same design or even the same hue. But small unique touches to each unit will personalise your mailboxes and lend a touch of community cheer.

Ref: 3072.26913

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