A Step-By-Step Guide – How To Keep Your Roof In Excellent Condition

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Repairing your roof can be an expensive exercise.  materials cost a lot of money, and service charges can also be relatively high, even for a small job. If you have an older home, ensuring the roof is in great shape is very important. A damaged roof can become a significant safety hazard and compromise the integrity of the entire building. Moreover, a leaking roof can cause water damage to other parts of the home and weaken the roof’s support structures.

Roof health is particularly important if yours is made of heavy slate or clay tiles or if you have a solar system installed on the roof. Periodic maintenance doesn’t take a lot of time and doesn’t cost too much money when it is done regularly. These are some of the most important things to do if you want to keep your roof healthy for many years to come.


Gutters often go unnoticed, yet they play a big role in keeping the roof healthy. One of the first things to check is the mounting points of the gutters. This will usually be in the upper part of the wall or even on the roof deck itself. If the mounting points are loose or broken, the gutter will sag, which places extra stress on the roof. Then you need to check the condition of the gutters themselves. They can easily get clogged with leaves, dirt, and sticks.

Along with this,  the gutter pan can also start to rust and develop holes, which will cause water to leak all over your walls. Clogged gutters can also get extremely heavy when filled, which will place stress on the mounting points and the roof. Also, inspect the joints of the gutters to ensure there is no rust or leakage happening from the joints.

Trees And Debris

If you have a lot of trees above the height of the house, then you need to regularly inspect the roof for foliage debris and even random items that birds might have dropped. As these things begin to pile up and place a lot of weight on the supporting structures. It also damages the roof tiles. Using a brush on an extension pole, you can quickly clear away any dirt and debris on the roof, but for a proper clean, you will have to get onto the roof itself. Even insurance will not cover damage from broken trees, dirt, or debris on your roof.

Roofing Material

The material you use for your roof is also essential. Some materials can last several decades without much maintenance, while others need much more attention. Talk to a roofing expert to understand the importance of roof maintenance and to learn how you can take care of your roof tiles properly. The most common kind of roof tile is the asphalt shingle. These are very easy to maintain, and if you have a faulty tile, you can easily replace it.

Replacing tiles as soon as you see any wear and tear or breakage on them will save the other interconnected tiles and also save your roof from developing significant faults. Faulty tiles will cause water seepage, which can ruin other roof parts. Replacing roof tiles is a little risky, so if you aren’t confident doing this yourself, get an expert to help you.

Moss And Mould

Moss, mould, and fungus are among some of the most common roof pests. If you notice that a part of your roof is starting to look darker than the rest or notice that water isn’t draining quite as smoothly as it should, you might have moss and mould-related problems. Getting moss off your roof is quite straightforward, and you can do it with regular household cleaning tools. The challenging part is getting to the moss that is in hard-to-reach places. If you have a high roof, this can be quite difficult. If you want a permanent solution, consider installing a thin sheet of copper down the roof’s spine. This will prevent moss, mould, or other bacteria from growing roots on your roof.


Leaks in your roof can be hard to detect if you have a false ceiling or a thick layer of insulation. In this case, you will need to get up on the roof and inspect it yourself. Ideally, you should be inspecting your roof every six months. If you see signs of water seepage, moss growth, rust, or any kind of corrosion on the roof or under a tile, you can be sure this is a water leak. Depending on the kind of roof you have and the extent of the damage, there are a few different ways to treat leaks. Get in touch with an expert to find a permanent solution to the leak before it damages more of the roof.


Insulation can last several years, but it can wear out fast under certain conditions. Leaks in the roof are especially bad for insulation. Make sure you are checking the insulation on your roof periodically and addressing any issues as they come up. Repairing a tiny bit of insulation will save the rest of the insulation from also getting damaged. Insulation also supports the exterior of the roof, so ensuring you have good insulation will enhance roof health.


Working on the roof, particularly on the exterior, can be pretty dangerous. If you are doing this on your own, make sure you have at least one other person with you who is keeping an eye out from below. Also, ensure you have the right shoes when getting up on the roof. If you have a very high roof or aren’t comfortable doing these repairs yourself, you should get an expert. In any case, you should have an expert inspect your roof every six months to ensure everything is as it should be. This way, you can detect faults before they become more significant problems.


Ref: THSI -2926 | ZD. 25759


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