More than 267,000 burglaries were reported in 2021 in the UK. With property crime being rife, landlords must provide tenants with security that allows them to feel safe at home.
However, added security shouldn’t mean that tenants are inconvenienced in their daily lives. So, how can landlords improve rental security while maximising convenience?
Keep reading for the ultimate guide on improving property security for single and multi-family housing; these are the best tips for landlords based on the most current trends in the security sphere.
Security Technology That Tenants Care About
Remember to keep your tenants in mind when investing in multi-family and single-family building security systems. After all, if your tenants and their families do not directly benefit, it may not be a worthy investment.
Security technology keeps your rental property secure, but it also helps to improve your tenants’ daily comings and goings in the building. So, consider which security technologies will make entering and living in the home or unit more accessible and streamlined.
Mobile-first and cloud-based access control are the best security technologies to enhance the tenant experience for small-family units in multifamily properties. It eliminates the need for keys and fobs so landlords can cut costs and tenants can download access credentials onto mobile devices. Secondly, it benefits the tenant, as they are less likely to lose their phone than a keycard or fob.
Benefits of Cloud-Based Security Technology
Investing in cloud-based and mobile-first security technology improves daily building operations for multifamily and single-family properties in the following ways:
- It allows for touchless entry – your tenants will not need to stand outside the property or dig through their pockets to find their mobile. They can wave their hand in front of the access reader to get into the property. Once the motion sensor has picked up the motion, it will communicate with their mobile device to grant them access. So, your tenants can enter even if their hands are full of boxes, shopping bags, and morning macchiatos.
- It is more hygienic – with some access control solutions, tenants might need to use pin pads to gain access to the property or the unit, meaning these harbour bacteria over time. With cloud-based access control, tenants can have security that provides them with more hygiene, which is particularly necessary for the post-pandemic era.
- It has remote operation features – let’s say your tenant is coming home from an evening out with their friends, and they’ve lost their phone. Traditionally, tenants may have to rely on family members to let them inside the property. With cloud-based access control, tenants can communicate with their family members or co-tenants on the intercom system and unlock the doors from anywhere.
Cloud-based access control operates remotely, allowing system administrators to lock and unlock doors or view security information from their mobile devices or a cloud-based control centre.
It’s easy to see that touchless access control can give tenants a more convenient security experience, making their everyday lives easier. Cloud-based security also grants landlords the ability to build an integrated system, enhancing property security in a blended and interconnected system.
Smart Intercom Systems And Door Locks
What is one of the main flaws in an access control system? The potential for an unauthorised person to steal a tenant’s mobile device and use it to enter their home. If this were to occur, there would be no measure to prevent the user from gaining entry.
So, what can landlords do to fortify their security system against this threat? The best way to ensure no unauthorised person can enter the property is to provide identity verification at the property’s entrance. A smart intercom system integrates video surveillance technology and access control to provide straightforward identity verification.
This smart technology is ideal for single and multi-family housing. It ensures that all users entering the property are using their credentials to enter the building – so an intruder cannot steal the key.
Both technologies are rolled into a single device, and information from each device will be readily available on a single interface. If your security team used a non-integrated system, they would have to correlate timestamps from two disparate systems to verify identity. With this system, the identity verification process is more user-friendly.
To ensure an intruder cannot gain access to individual units or smaller properties, landlords should consider implementing smart door locks for tenants. Tenants can remotely lock their doors if they forget to lock them before going out, or they can let their guests into the property remotely.
Integrate Security Technology With Building Management Tools
To establish more energy efficiency in the property, landlords can integrate security technology with property management tools, allowing tenants to switch controls off to conserve energy. Integrating property management tools with security technology allows you to market your rental property as energy-efficient and reduce your carbon footprint and monthly energy bills.
Use Cloud-Based Video Technology With Remote Management
If you’re a landlord, you should consider investing in cloud-based security systems for apartment complexes to make your system more accessible for remote security workers.
With this solution, your security staff, system administrators, or building managers can view security information from anywhere, ensuring tenants’ safety at all times.
However, this is also beneficial if you’re the landlord of multiple smaller rental properties. You can host each property’s security information on a single platform.
Use A Secure And Convenient Online Payment Portal
Property management software offers tenants a more convenient and secure way to make monthly payments. It provides an online payment portal with protection to ensure your tenants’ payment details remain safe.
The software allows tenants to set up direct debit payments for their rent, utility bills, and common area maintenance charges. You can invest in solutions that remind your tenants when their rent is due, so they never miss a payment again.
Security technology doesn’t just secure your rental property and prevent and deter crime – it can also enhance the daily lives of your tenants and ensure the property is more accessible for tenants and their families. Consider these security technologies and tools in line with your existing security system and whether implementing these technologies would minimise vulnerabilities and usability issues.
Ref: 3095.27172