What You Need To Know About Spray Foam Insulation

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Owning a home goes beyond having a beautifully decorated house, you have to consider a lot of things such as its general efficiency as well. Today, we will be particularly focusing on spray foam insulation, one of the best insulation methods that will help you control moisture, energy efficiency, and lower your utility bills.

What is spray foam insulation?

Spray foam insulation, otherwise known as spray polyurethane insulation, is a foam that is sprayed into a surface and it seals air and insulates wherever it is applied. And as the name suggests, this type of insulation uses polyurethane, a heat activated polymer, to form an airtight barrier. What happens is that the foam is sprayed into the intended surface through a heated hose whereby the liquid (a mixture of iso and resin) turns into foam, it expands, and the end result is hardening to the applied surface. Depending on the type of foam insulation, the foamcan expand up to 100 times its size during application. It is important to note that the polyurethane foamcan withstand high heat levels as it has a high R-value per inch.  

Types of spray foam insulation

There are two types of spray foam insulation, namely open cell foam insulation and closed cell foam insulation. Open cell foam insulation has a lower density and has a lower R-value, which makes it a cheaper option. It is usually used in the interior applications on surfaces such as attics, basement walls, wall cavities and underside of roof decks. On the other hand, closed cell insulation provides more rigid insulation as it is denser and has a higher R-value per inch. It can be used for bothinterior and for exterior applications. Also, closed cell insulation is more expensive due to its properties, and it can act as a water vapor barrier due to its low permeability.

Benefits of spray foam insulation

There are many benefits of spray foam insulation, but they can only be realized if the installation is done by a professional company. As such, it is vital to do your research first before trusting anyone with the job. Gather referrals and read reviews before deciding on the professionals to hire. Also, ensure that you confirm that the company has the right licensing to perform the job and has a good track record as well. Having a good installation company that has skilled professionals guarantees you of a job well done. Below are some of the benefits of spray foam insulation;

  1.   Energy saving

As aforementioned, withspray foam insulation, you can save up on energy used in the house. As a result, energy expenses decrease. You can save up to 40% or more compared to other forms of insulation.

  1.   Prevents growth of mold

If the house is not well sealed, water and moisture can quickly get into the house through the cracks and holes. What that means is that when the moisture gets trapped into the walls, mold, and mildew can easily thrive. However, with the use of spray foam insulation, the house is protected from mold and mildew as the foam is water resistant.

  1.   Eco –friendly

By now you probably have heard about the term going green, and using spray foam insulation is one of the best ways to do so. For one, it reduces energy consumption in the home. Secondly, it has a long life span, and lastly, it prevents mold and mildew from thriving.


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