How can I make my home safer for my family?

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We all know the importance of home security. We don’t want our homes to be broken into when we’re out and about. But what about the safety inside our homes? Many of us spend so much time fretting about what’s outside that we forget to check what’s inside

When we have families and small children, safety inside the home is paramount. We don’t want our little ones to be at risk from any kind of hazards. So, how can you make your home safer for your family? 


Get home insurance

Getting home insurance won’t prevent any danger, but it will cover any costs. This means replacing any items that are stolen in a robbery, or damaged in a fire or flood. While you’ll still need to make sure that your house is safe and secure, home insurance removes some worries and helps you if you ever find yourself in an unfortunate situation. 


Be aware of fire hazards

The thought of a fire in your family home is a scary one. However, they’re more common than you might think. Houses are full of potential fire hazards. We have loose cables, gas hobs and fireplaces in our homes, and these can all start fires if not given the correct attention. Electrical equipment causes 9 out of 10 household fires, so make sure that all your cables aren’t damaged and invest in a high-quality power bar. 


Make your stairs safe

Small children need to be watched on stairs. Some houses are built with stairs that are, quite frankly, a health and safety hazard, especially for younger children running around. Loose edges and broken materials can make staircases unsafe, alongside excessive steepness or slippery wooden boards. You should always make sure that your stairway is appropriately lit. If people can’t see, they might trip on a hazard.


Lock your cupboards

Children love to explore. They will climb on cupboards and investigate their contents at any given chance. So, if cupboards contain anything that could potentially be unsafe, keep them locked. This is particularly important in bathrooms and kitchens where you may be keeping potentially dangerous liquids like cleaning supplies or medicines. Locking your drawers will also ensure that your children don’t pull them out and climb on them. 


Clean regularly

We all know that we need to keep our homes clean and tidy. But did you know that not doing so could create significant health and safety risks? Little children love to leave toys lying around, so leaving them in dangerous places like the stairs or in doorways could cause trip hazards. Alternatively, not cleaning regularly could lead to the build up of mould, especially in damp rooms such as the bathroom. This can lead to respiratory problems. 


Use a shower mat 

Surfaces in the shower can easily become slippery, creating slipping hazards for children and adults alike. Prevent this from happening by investing in a non-slip rubber mat and placing it in the shower. 

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